Well, I got the book for my bday (thanks family!!) and finished it in 2 days. It was so good!! Made me laugh a lot and cry some. I definitely recommend it. Great writer. I. want. a. dog. bad. (but not for real - need a yard first - and I'm in no hurry to buy a house so...catch 22).
I got lots of other fun gift certificates and things (yaaaaay for shopping!), and Clint got me a beautiful one of a kind painting set (kind of 3 paintings that make up one picture) that I really wanted to go above our bed. I'll post pictures asap as he's hanging it right now. Yay! (We have had nothing on our bedroom walls yet up to this point) I had a wonderful birthday weekend - my sweet husband did so many sweet things for me (and gave me a new Starbucks card! I had just run out of the one he gave me as part of my wedding present...it has "Lauren "Hottie" Brock" printed on it which is sort of embarrassing when actually using the card but quite flattering. :) Love you hubby)
I also started my new job this week! Hoorayyyy! I'm the new Media Coordinator for GodTube.com. It has been great so far, everyone is so nice and I'm already pretty busy. It really seems like a great place to work and everyone there keeps telling me how much they love it. Sounds good to me!! :)
Morgan and Brian had their adorable baby boy, Braden Joseph. He's adorable and I can't wait to see him in person.
Laine comes home from a month stay at Kanukuk (sp?) tomorrow. Yay! Can't wait to see her! I'm a horrible sister and didn't write her a letter so here's my shout out to her. :) The best counselor ever ever!
I'm so excited that the weekend actually means something this weekend! Yay for work! :)
It is also my dear friends Katy and Kristian Rose's 3rd Anniversary today. I'm so happy for yall and hope you had a wonderful day!
Woo hoo Olympics! Go Team USA! Our days revolve around nbcolympics.com and watching them on tv right now...who needs sleep?
That's it for now, as I actually am in need of some sleep...