Wednesday, October 29, 2008


A while back we went to the rodeo for my Papaw's bday. We got some fun pics so I thought we'd share even though it has been awhile. :) Also, if you have a chance to go to the rodeo, go! It's actually really entertaining. And you can pet animals! (Scroll to the bottom for a video!)

At the dinner before the Rodeo :)         Me and Coley!       Dad, Aunt Jamie, Memaw and Mom    

Trying on cowboy hats at the gift shop
Cole found a horsey!   And I found the PERFECT purse.

There was a petting zoo complete 
with brushes to brush the cows' and goats' fur!

We had lots of fun! Happy late birthday Papaw!

This is actually pretty entertaining...

Clint made the music on! :)

1 comment:

~The Neaves Nest~ said...

my fav part of the rodeo is when the little kids ride the sheep...that looks so fun. You think I could qualify as a kid? Maybe that could be our sporty thing!? haha! cute video, great music clint!